Rich Fitzgerald
Financial Committee
Rich has over 35 years of progressive finance capital markets, and operations leadership experience supporting both public and private companies, predominately within the life sciences industry. Rich previously served as Chief Financial Officer at Sesen Bio (Nasdaq: SESN), and as the Chief Financial Officer of PAVmed Inc. (Nasdaq: PAVM). Rich also held senior financial positions at TechPrecision. (OTCBB: TPCS), Nucleonics Inc., (Nasdaq: ALNY)) and Exelon Corporation (NYSE: EXC). From 2004 through 2009, Rich served as Co-Chair of the Biotechnology Innovation Organization’s CFO/Tax Committee which lobbied for capital markets and tax reforms in support of the life science industry. He is a member of the American and Pennsylvania Institutes of Public Accounting and a member of the Bucknell University Alumni Association Board of Directors.