We are committed to serving our veterans and marine resources. Here is how you can make your difference!
Named Scholarships
FORCE BLUE brings its recruits through a rigorous two-week, military-style indoctrination with staff instructors, guest scientists, researchers, PTSD counselors and conservationists all working to make them mission ready. It is a life enhancing experience. You can support a veteran through the recruitment, training and onboarding process.
Give As A Family
Family philanthropy is a valued investment that unites loved ones around a shared interest. It creates lasting bonds gained through the experience of collective assessment, decision-making, and commitment to a shared cause. It is also fun. Some ways in which families invest in FORCE BLUE include general support; designated support of a project; named scholarships; and family foundation giving.
Planned Giving: Leave Your Legacy
You can designate FORCE BLUE as a beneficiary of a retirement plan, life insurance policy and donor advised fund among other options in your Will or Living Trust. When you make a Legacy Gift you are demonstrating your commitment to FORCE BLUE’s mission and helping to improve the lives of our veterans and the health of our oceans, bays, lakes and rivers now and in the future. You can also become a member of the Force Blue Legacy Group. FORCE BLUE’s tax ID number is 35-2736193.