Second Training Deployment Set
August 11 – 25 has been set as the date(s) for FORCE BLUE’s second two-week long Recruitment & Training (RNT) Deployment under the direction of Official Conservation Coordinator
PHASE ONE of the training will take place at the Southern Cross Club in Little Cayman and will concentrate on introducing recruits to a healthy coral reef ecosystem and steps that can be taken to help preserve it.
PHASE TWO shifts to the Florida Keys and the Marine Resources and Development Foundation campus in Key Largo where recruits will hone the skills necessary to grow and transplant corals on to damaged or dying sections of reef.
As was the case with FORCE BLUE’s tremendously successful initial RNT, the instructors staff for this second deployment will feature an all-star lineup of marine scientists and conservationists, including author Dr. Wallace J. Nichols (“Blue Mind”), founder Lad Akins, NOAA Coral Reef Restoration Program Manager Tom Moore and Coral Restoration Foundation board member, Patti-Kirk Gross.